When adding structural column families to your project, make sure to use the default Autodesk families. Go to the Insert tab and click on Load Family. Go to the Structural Column folder. Pick the column you want.

The Type Catalog for the family will be opened. All the standard, pre-made column types will be listed. Use CTRL to select all the column dimensions you need in your project.
The structural column tool (shortcut: CL) can be found in both the architecture tab and the structure tab.
SET THE HEIGHT PLACEMENT OPTION: By default, columns are created using the Depth height option. This option is confusing and will likely result in a warning if you try to create a column. Instead, change this setting to Height.

SELECT THE TOP LEVEL: When creating a column in a plan view, the base will always be locked to the associated level of the view. That means if you are in Level 1 a view, the base will be set to Level 1. In the options bar, select the top level to be associated to the column. You can’t adjust the top/base offset for the moment.

CLICK TO CREATE, ADJUST OFFSETS: Click anywhere on the plan view to create the column. Select the column and adjust the base and top offset in the instance properties.

CREATE COLUMNS AT GRIDS INTERSECTIONS: When creating a new column, click on the At Grids tool and select all the necessary grids. Click on the green check to complete. Columns will automatically be created at all selected grids intersections. Columns will move with their matching grids unless the Moves With Grids instance properties is unchecked.


At the bottom left of the opened view, you will find the Detail Level option. This tool has a major effect on the visual representation of columns. You can see in the image below what happens when you change the detail level in a plan view.

You have to be especially careful in elevation and section views. Often, columns will only display a line when set to the Coarse detail level.